Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Beating Cholesterol-

No Drugs…No Secret Formula…Simply Beat it the Natural Way….
What is stopping you from looking after the most important muscle in your body…..Your Heart !
 It is my contention that the vast majority of cases of coronary artery disease are preventable if we take responsibility for our health and reduce the risk factors.  Rather than worry about the symptoms of high cholesterol we should focus on the cause of it.
"The arteries, veins and capillaries in our body are a pipeline that is 60,000 miles long. But this pipeline fails in 90% of the cases at one specific spot, the coronary arteries, with the length of only one billionth of the total vascular pipeline".
Dr Matthias Rath
This is definitely a condition where it pays to invest in preventative actions before dangerous complications occur!

This manual will truly empower you to make the right choices by giving you more knowledge about this life threatening condition……..If you have High Cholesterol…..you have options beyond medication!
You will learn the top recommendations from health practitioners about foods which you should avoid, which to eat and crucially why!
Your liver function is key, and this manual will help you understand the signs of a stressed liver and how to look after it naturally.
You are likely to come across Cholesterol products and information from many sources - use Chapter 4 in this manual as a complete reference to what works and what to avoid.
Concise information is given for you to maintain a healthy heart – Including important nutrients, stress reduction strategies, diet information, exercise, and beneficial supplements……….in essence this manual contains the most comprehensive advice for your success in Beating Cholesterol
As an experienced natural health practitioner for many years who is used to treating high cholesterol, I guarantee that this 61 page book will give you vital knowledge in addition to what your doctor may be telling you.